Dunamis Insurance Services
Disability Insurance
Click HERE For An Immediate Disability Insurance Quote
24 hrs/day
As a society, we insure all kinds of risks. However, have you stopped to consider who or what actually insures your ability to create income? If you were disabled today and could not work, who will replace your near and long term income so that you and your family can continue to pay the bills?
According to a report by the Insurance Information Institute at age 40, the average worker faces only a 14 percent chance of dying before age 65 but a 21 percent chance of being disabled for 90 days or more.[Insurance Information Institute, www.iii.org November, 2005] In addition, according to JHA Disability Fact Book 2008 report, 43 percent of all people age 40 will have a long-term disability event prior to age 65. According to a Surveillance Report on Mortality & Morbidity by the CDC ,dated 9/15/2017 [66(16);1-144] Depression is one of the top 5 leading causes of disability within the United States. The same report outlined that both heart disease and stroke, usually with an underlying factor of high blood pressure, are major causes of disability among adults.
Thus the beauty of Disability Insurance!
In exchange for a regular premium a disability insurance company can provide the security and peace of mind of regular financial continuity and income replacement in the event of an illness, accident or sickness which prohibits you from working in your occupation and earning an income. These benefits usually begin after a waiting period and after you've been diagnosed as being totally disabled. Although policies and terms vary from company to company professional guidance is essential for this very valuable type of policy. We have the experience that you need to make the right choice.
Dunamis is more loaded than ever before in our history with disability insurance coverage options. We offer specialized insurance arrangements such as those listed below for unique situations, and traditional disability insurance coverage through highly rated disability insurance companies. Click the PDF files below for more complete details and information on how the Dunamis disability plan lineup can help your family WIN when you need it the most!
(800)730-2990 x801
Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM to 7:30PM CST
Friday & Saturday
10:00AM to 12:00PM CST
Click HERE For An Immediate Disability Insurance Quote
24 hrs/day